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Diversity & Inclusion

As a data-driven firm, we are convinced by the evidence that diversity leads to strength across all facets of our organization – enhancing decision-making, creativity, and business outcomes. Our D&I program is designed to result in a more engaged and positive work environment.

A values-driven program based on:


Structured accountability across executive team, senior management, D&I leadership, and through external pledges and industry initiatives

Data & Transparency

Continuous monitoring and measurement to improve employee experience

Focused Initiatives

Engaging employees and leaders through high-impact programs across our workforce, business, and community strategies

More About Focused Initiatives


Acadian strives for a talented, diverse, collaborative, and balanced workplace where everyone can contribute their unique talents to the success of the firm. We work toward this goal with a focus on professional development, recruiting and hiring practices, employee engagement, and a robust internship program.


People Bridge


Outside of talent, we are engaged in industry benchmarking initiatives, client collaboration on D&I priorities, and continued exploration of relevant investment themes within ESG research. We also manage and monitor supplier diversity.


We have strategic philanthropic partnerships with organizations focused on improving economic equity and opportunity gaps. We also belong to a number of organizations focused on pipeline, from recruiting to internship opportunities. These include Diversity Project, ALPFA, AAAIM, UNCF Lighted Pathways, Jopwell, HelloHive, and CFA Institute Young Women in Investment.

S Curve Awareness Program

Affinity Groups

Acadian’s employee affinity groups raise awareness of race and gender issues in the workplace and in our industry. They offer education, networking opportunities, and the support of senior management to help promote leadership and advancement. Programming includes social events, leadership opportunities, community partnerships, external networking, and conference attendance and sponsorship.

Supplier Diversity


We actively work to partner with diverse vendors, focusing on minority, women, veteran, and disability-owned businesses.  We also assess the internal D&I practices of all our vendors. By better understanding the companies we work with, we can better contribute to economic equity in our communities.  We leverage our strengths in data management and analysis to define quantitative objectives and mark our progress toward this goal.


Supplier Diversity Form

Leadership Insights

Read More

Acadian CEO Kelly Young has written extensively on women's issues in the workplace. Recent pieces are featured below.

We are an equal opportunity employer. Our culture emphasizes mutual respect, acceptance, tolerance, and cooperation among all employees, regardless of age, gender, race, national or ethnic origin, physical abilities, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation. We believe that understanding and valuing diversity not only helps our employees to develop as individuals, but also greatly enhances our ability to serve a diverse global client base.  In short, we believe diversity makes Acadian a stronger company and a more rewarding place to work for all.